The King’s Observatory remains the focal centre of the Old Deer Park. Chambers’ classic white stucco and lead dome, sit like an Arcadian temple on the gentle mound of grass raised above the flood plain. The Thames Landscape Strategy (1994 p152) and The Crown Estate’s Old Deer Park Strategy (1999 p28) have both set out policies to restore and reopen the Arcadian landscape of Lancelot Brown. The restoration and conversion of the King’s Observatory offer a unique opportunity to realize these landscape policies.

The following landscape drawings highlight the proposals for the King’s Observatory.

Illustrative Landscape Masterplan – Phase 2 (001/04/002 Rev D) (1 MB)

Tree and Woodland Planting – Phase 1 (001/03/007 Rev F) (2 MB)

Tree and Woodland Planting – Phase 2 (001/04/004) (2 MB)

Tree Removal (001/03/005 Rev D) (0.5 MB)

Context Plan & Vistas (261/02/014 Rev C) (3 MB)